EM Projectes Didàctics

Digital tools to improve the learning processes

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About us

EM Projectes Didàctics was founded in 2006. Its first tools aim was to offer a solution to a social problem: the low reading rates among children and young people; probably the most important reason behind deficits in their learning process and a major handicap in their future formation. We offered a solution taking advantage of untapped potential that new technologies were offering at that time. Consequently, we launched our online tools to encourage reading in Spanish, Catalan and English combining the use of internet with the traditional book.

15 years on it is still our target to help children and young people to be free and capable people in the future. We still think that through promoting reading they increase their future opportunities enormously. But the advance of digital technologies has created a new social problem that is also the main enemy of reading: the excessive time that children and young people spend daily on their mobile devices.

Even though these devices open up a giant world of opportunities, they also have enormous negative effects if we make an excessive use of them. The children’s and teenagers’ lack of interest in other ways of entertainments, such as reading; the worrying decrease in their ability to concentrate and therefore, their diminished skills to read or learn is one of our most important reason to be worried about.

Faced with this new social problem we have developed an application which objective is to motivate children and young people to disconnect the mobile for a while each day, allowing them to be part of social projects. With Yukan we improve their ability to concentrate and to manage their free time while generating social awareness.

In short, at EM Projectes Didàctics we make use of technology to help children and young people improving their learning processes, by teaching them that beyond their digital world there is a real world to discover and at which they can be a great help.

Last update : 08 13 2019 | © EM Projectes Didàctics SL. All rights reserved | design moondog comunication